


Good day from Mcburn's Kampong Kitchen to all of you and get new recipe for you to try it at home. "Enjoy cooking and live life" this no frill cooking and food recipes.

Pinna Colada


Pinna Colada is Old and traditional drink of Islanders in the Pacific. Pinna Colada is concoction from natural fruit combination of coconut milk and pineapple.  Pinna colada is the healthiest fruit juice on earth. Yet, most of us overlook this gift of nature.  Pineapple with high content of Vitamin C with loads of fiber which is good for the digestive system and the natural source of anti-oxidant requires for removal of toxic element in our metabolic system.  So with coconut in its natural state is a good source of vitamin and essential fatty acid for the body. Unless, coconut is heated or cooked than its will change into some form of saturated fat that will be harmful to our health if taken in large quantity. However, this myth of high fat in coconut oil is totally unfounded. Nasi Lemak, a favorite breakfast snack for Malaysian is now made an issue, even national level kind of polemic. Nasi Lemak single out to be the major cause of obesity amongst school children or even to growing adult in this country.
I would put as that, the level of naivety from the health minister and those health advisers around him. A totally unfounded allegation, which I would put it as an attempt to destroy the reputation of this very much love breakfast food for majority of Malaysian.
Back to Pinna Colada, this natural fruit juice should be an alternative healthy food or drink for Malaysian. The abundant availability and considerably cheap price of pineapple and coconut, we should try to make this exotic drink our main daily intake of liquid for our body. This is an example of Good Cooking or Good drinking for today healthy lifestyle.

Just how popular this drink amongst the people of the Pacific Island and the Caribbean, I have a video for you all, however they turn into a cocktail with alcohol added into it and this is defeating knowing alcohol in whatever quantity is bad to our body system and of course "haram" to the Muslim.ClickHere

Here is the recipe:

Ingredients / Bahan2 – To make 6 Glass of This Drink.

50 ml of Freshly Squeeze of Coconut Milk
50 ml Santan Segar
1 Pineapple (Medium to Large)
1 Biji Nenas (Saiz sederhana – Besar)
2 Tablespoon of Sugar
2 Sudu Besar Gula
500 ml of Water
500 ml Air

How To Make? / Cara Membuat nya

Clean/ cut off the pineapple skin, dice into small pieces.
Beresihkan dan buang kulit nenas, kemudian di cincang supaya senang dikisar.
Put it in a blender with sugar and water.
Masukan kedalam alat pengisar, bersama air dan gula.
Blend until smoothie kind of texture.
Kisar sehingga kombinasi Nampak halus.
Using a strainer, extract the blended juice.
Tapis untuk mengambil Jus nya.
Add in the coconut milk into the extracted juice combination and re-blend again. Until foam form on the top.
Masukan Jus dalam alat kisar tambah santan dan dikisar lagi sehingga berbuih.
Add in crush ice – Serve this cooling concoction or keep it in the fridge.
Tambah ais – dan bolehlah dihidangkan untuk sarapan pagi atau minuman bila waktu makan.

Nota & Tip  Kesihatan:
Minuman yang saya cadangkan ini bukan sesuatu yang susah untuk dibuat, terutama kepada ibu-bapa yang Ingin makanan dan minuman yang baik untuk kesihatan anak-anak.  Minuman kordial yang berlambak dipasaraya-pasaraya dan minuman tidak sihat yang dijual ditepi2 jalan sepatutnya dielakan. Selain dari kandungan gula yang tinggi dan pewarna serta, ubat penahan yang sudah jelas tidak baik dan membahayakan kesihatan menjadi punca utama segala penyakit baik dikalangan kanak2 dan orang dewasa.
Saya selalu meyarankan, baik kepada ibu2 yang bekerja dan tidak bekerja supaya berusaha meluangkan masa seketika memikirkan makanan dan minuman yang harus diberikan kepada anggota keluarga.
Kalau nak dinyatakan hari ini, hampir semua rumah2 di Malaysia ini dilengkapi dengan kemudahan serta alat2 yang canggih didapur mereka. Sayangnya, berapa ramai sahaja yang betul mengunakannya dan berapa banyak pula dapur sekadar hiasan dan pameran buat melengkapkan gaya hidup zaman ini. Ramai yang memilih untuk makan diluar, membeli lauk pauk bungkus dikedai2 makan yang tahap kebersihan dalam menyediakan dan membuat  makanan amatlah rendah.

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